AMC and CMAC for all type of chiller maintenance and services in Chennai | 9840068358
AMC and CMAC for all type of chiller maintenance and services in Chennai– PR Engineers providers offer all types of AMC repair water leakage repair, cleaning damaged cooling coil repair gas refilling etc.
AMC and CMAC for all type of chiller maintenance and services in Chennai – PR Engineers is a Turnkey AHU Project company in the field of HVAC, Process Cooling, CHPC Architecture and Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling. The company also provides Services of Annual Maintenance Contract and Operation & Maintenance service Contract for the same systems.
Knowing user’s process & user’s applications are the company’s biggest asset. With more than two decades of experience and 300+ projects to its credit, the company is known for executing big size central HVAC, Process Cooling and CHPC Systems for critical industrial applications in segments of Food, Beverages, Automobile, Engineering, Power, Steel, Paper, Healthcare, Discrete manufacturing, Fertilizers, Chemicals etc.
The company caters AMC and CMAC users as well as to users in Chennai.
HVAC System Operation & Maintenance
We are experts in system design and we can address plant efficiency issues with our technically qualified staff. We have in-house tools and tackles like ultrasonic flow meter, chemical descaling pump arrangement, laser thermometer, air flow measurement sophisticated calibrated types of equipment, pitot tube, etc. for troubleshooting. We provide services for measured types of equipment like Pump, Cooling Tower, HVAC, AHU, MCC, etc under one roof.
Quality and scope of services
The Contractor shall appoint trained staff having a good bearing and maintain high standards of turn out, maintain adequate staff to ensure there is no hold up of any service for any reason whatsoever.
Any deficiency in the number of staff deployed will entail penal reduction from the compensation payable as decided by the Centre. Call us +91 9840068358or drop your enquiry to get our quick assistance.
The successful Contractor as soon as the agreement is signed shall submit a list of their workmen / supervisor / others along with copy of appointment order issued to them.
It is normally understood and agreed between both the parties that Centre will not be responsible or be liable for any laws that are in force / that may come into force from time to time in respect of personnel engaged by the Contractor and he will be solely responsible for the terms and conditions of their services, safety, health, statutory requirement, etc.
The Contractor shall depute such officers and supervisors as proposed by him, who shall be available on site to supervise the Contract employees and interact on daily basis with Officer-in Charge regarding delivering the specified services.